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protect 32


  • Protect a Host - Server System

    Protect a Host - Server System


    标签: Protect Server System Host

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • 电子设备电源节能讲解

    Abstract: The "vampire" drain on electricity by household gadgets is only one indicator of the lack of policies to conserve energy and protect people and businesses from a major energy disaster. Most


    标签: 电子设备 电源节能

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • 三星MCU编程器/三星单片编程器

    QSP-12是一款性/价比极高的直接使用USB通讯协议而开发的三星单片机专用编程器。不同于传统采用USB转RS232的编程器,直接使用USB通讯协议的QSP-12更快更可靠!配合精心优化设计的PC客户端编程(烧录)软件,实现了业界最高的编程性能。自动烧录S3F9454(包含擦除/编程/校验/写Smart option/Read protect/LDC protect/Hard Lo ...


    标签: MCU 三星 编程器

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • 单片机控制的铅酸蓄电池充电电源

     为了有效地提升铅酸蓄电池的使用寿命,同时实现对充电过程的监控,设计出一种用单片机控制的36 V铅酸蓄电池充电电源。本电路采用反激式拓扑,连续电流工作模式,电源管理IC设计在电源的副边,由ELAN公司的EM78P258N单片机模拟,是用可编程器件模拟电源管理IC,实现智能电源低成本化的一次成功尝试,通过对单片机的软 ...


    标签: 单片机控制 充电电源 铅酸蓄电池

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • 基于AT89S52的机载电气盒测试仪的设计

    飞机电网故障时,机载电气盒必须在延迟时间内切断电网,保护机载设备。采用AT89S52设计的电气盒测试仪能够测试电气盒保护功能,测量延迟时间。实际应用结果表明,该测试仪具有测量准确、可靠性高、成本低等优点。 Abstract:  The helicopter-electrical-box must shut off the helicopter power,protect the equip ...


    标签: 89S S52 AT 89

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • NXP P89LPC901单片机汽车起动保护控制器设计

    在汽车发动机起动时,若发动机起动后起动机不能及时断电,将会烧毁起动机或损坏飞轮齿环;若变速器不在空档位置起动,则起动机的瞬间动力将使汽车位移,还可能引起交通事故和人身安全。为此介绍一种利用NXP P89LPC901单片机控制的汽车起动保护控制器,通过检测汽车起动开关、变速箱档位、发动机转速,实现对汽车发动机起动 ...


    标签: NXP LPC 901 P89

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • S7-300 and M7-300 Programmable

    Safety GuidelinesThis manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own personal safety, as well as toprotect the product and connected equipment. These notices are highlighted in the manual by a warningtriangle and are marked as follows according to the level of danger:


    标签: Programmable 300 and

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • at91rm9200启动过程教程

    at91rm9200启动过程教程 系统上电,检测BMS,选择系统的启动方式,如果BMS为高电平,则系统从片内ROM启动。AT91RM9200的ROM上电后被映射到了0x0和0x100000处,在这两个地址处都可以访问到ROM。由于9200的ROM中固化了一个BOOTLOAER程序。所以PC从0X0处开始执行这个BOOTLOAER(准确的说应该是一级BOOTLOADER)。这个BOOTLOER依 ...


    标签: 9200 at 91 rm

    上传时间: 2013-10-27


  • PLD对FPGA数据加密

    SRAM-based FPGAs are non-volatile devices. Upon powerup, They are required to be programmed from an external source. This procedure allows anyone to easily monitor the bit-stream, and clone the device. The problem then becomes how can you effectively protect your intellectual property from others ...


    标签: FPGA PLD 数据加密

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • 无线电干扰 Radio Susceptibility

      Abstract: Engineers often wish that radio susceptibility (RS) or radio immunity could be cured with an antibiotic, a vaccine, or someform of cure-all. Unfortunately, solving the RS problem is not that easy. Indeed, the laws of physics apply. In this article we discusssources of RS. We als ...


    标签: Susceptibility Radio 无线电干扰

    上传时间: 2014-12-30
