Developing internationalized products is a continuous balancing act. Developers and their managers often grossly underestimate the level of effort and attention to detail required to create either a world-ready, single-binary application ready for use in many different markets, or high-quality, fore ...
Thinking in Java,
2nd Edition, Release 11
To be published by Prentice-Hall mid-June, 2000
Bruce Eckel, President,
MindView, Inc.
Planet PDF brings you the Portable Document
Format (PDF) version of Thinking in Java (2nd
Edition). Planet PDF is the premier PDF-related
site on the w ...
The four case studies that follow each have a number of common features. They each illustrate the birth of an idea and show how that idea can be realised into a marketable product. Each case study deals with engineering design and development issues and each highlights the importance of dev ...
This example demo code is provided as is and has no warranty,
implied or otherwise. You are free to use/modify any of the provided
code at your own risk in your applications with the expressed limitation
of liability (see below) so long as your product using the code contains
at least one uPSD produ ...
Samples are artificially generated and in no way represent particular individuals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Swfdec still is development software, but has also followed a rigid
no-crashes-allowed policy. I believe it s stable enough now to be
installed as a default plugin for people that can live with occasional
crashes of their browser. But don t blame me if it does crash. File a
bug at https://bugs.f ...
WIND MEDIA LIBRARY 3.0.3 (CP3) for Tornado 2.2.0 and Tornado 2.2.1
Up-to-date product bulletins, information on known problems and fixes/changes made in this release, and essential reference documentation can be obtained from the Wind River Online Support web site.
--- ...
This specification is intended to provide enough information for BIOS developers to implement the
necessary extensions to allow their product s hardware and other system-related information to be
accurately determined by users of the defined interfaces.
A major goal of this book is to show to make devices that are inherently reliable by design. While a lot of attention has been given to “quality improvement,” the majority of the emphasis has been placed on the processes that occur after the design of a product is complete. Design deficiencies are ...