sheerdns is a master DNS server whose zone records are stored on a One-Record-Per-File bases. Because of this, it is the simplest of any DNS to configure, the easiest to update, and the most efficient for networks that experience a lot of updates (for example master servers for dynamic IP address ra ...
用系统调用signal()让父进程捕捉键盘上来的中断信号(按Ctrl-C键);当捕捉到中断信号后,父进程用系统调用kill()向两个子进程发出信号,子进程捕捉到信号后分别输出下列信息后终止: Child Process 1 is Killed by Parent! Child Process 2 is Killed by Parent! 父进程等待两个子进程终止后,输出如下的信息后终止: ...
项目描述: Env_audit is a program that ferrets out everything it can about the environment. It looks for process IDs, UID, GID, signal masks, umask, priority, file descriptors, and environmental variables. It comes with test configurations for anacron, apache, atd, crond, GDB, inittab, logrotate, PHP ...
Description: C4.5Rule-PANE is a rule learning method which could generate accurate and comprehensible symbolic rules, through regarding a neural network ensemble as a pre-process of a rule inducer.
Reference: Z.-H. Zhou and Y. Jiang. Medical diagnosis with C4.5 rule preceded by artificial neural net ...
Quality, object.oriented architecture is the product of careful study, decision making, and
experimentation. At a minimum, the object.oriented architecture process includes farming of
requirements, architecture mining, and hands.on experience. Ideally, object.oriented
architecture comprises a set of ...
This document describes the MPI and MPI standards They are both extensions
to the MPI standard The MPI part of the document contains clarications and
corrections to the MPI standard and denes MPI The MPI part of the document
describes additions to the MPI standard and denes MPI These include miscell ...
Although there has been a lot of AVL tree libraries available now, nearly all of them are meant to work in the random access memory(RAM). Some of them do provide some mechanism for dumping the whole tree into a file and loading it back to the memory in order to make data in that tree persistent. It ...
FCMDEMO displays a GUI window to let you try out various parameters
in fuzzy c-means clustering for 2-D data. You can choose the data set
and clustering number from the GUI buttons at right, and then click
"Start" to start the fuzzy clustering process.
亚定方程组求解:If serial correlation is found, you may have misspecified your model and
should return to your theory for a better representation of the data generating
process. This possibility is quite likely and should be taken seriously.