Kiss FFT is a small and simple FFT library. It has no complicated platform-specific optimizations, can do either fixed or floating point with just a recompile, and is efficient enough for all but the most demanding applications.
// Histogram Sample
// This sample shows how to use the Sample Grabber filter for video image processing.
// Conceptual background:
// A histogram is just a frequency count of every pixel value in the image.
// There are various well-known mathematical operations that you can perform on an image ...
KMEANS Trains a k means cluster model.CENTRES = KMEANS(CENTRES, DATA, OPTIONS) uses the batch K-means
algorithm to set the centres of a cluster model. The matrix DATA
represents the data which is being clustered, with each row
corresponding to a vector. The sum of squares error function is used.
The ...
Hybrid Monte Carlo sampling.SAMPLES = HMC(F, X, OPTIONS, GRADF) uses a hybrid Monte Carlo
algorithm to sample from the distribution P ~ EXP(-F), where F is the
first argument to HMC. The Markov chain starts at the point X, and
the function GRADF is the gradient of the `energy function F.
遗传算法和“货郎担” 问题:
"The traveling salesman problem, or TSP for short, is this: given a finite number of cities along with the cost of travel between each pair of them, find the cheapest way of visiting all the cities and returning to your starting point."
New training algorithm for linear classification SVMs that can be much faster than SVMlight for large datasets. It also lets you direcly optimize multivariate performance measures like F1-Score, ROC-Area, and the Precision/Recall Break-Even Point.
“手机银行”也称为移动银行,它是通过移动通信网络将客户的手机连接至银行,实现利用手机界面完成各种金融理财业务的服务系统。“手机银行”服务的推出,使得手机不再只是一个通信工具,还能进行金融理财,同时也成为了一个移动POS(point of sales)机,使其成为继银行柜台、自助银行、电话银行、网上银行之后的新的服务渠 ...
Welcome to Beginning Algorithms, a step-by-step introduction to computing algorithms for the real world.
Developers use algorithms and data structures every day of their working lives. Having a good understanding
of these algorithms and knowledge of when to apply them is essential to producing softw ...
AppWizard has created this DigitRec application for you. This application
not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes
but is also a starting point for writing your application.