Each arc of a binary-state network has good/bad states. The system reliability, the probability
that source s communicates with sink t, can be computed in terms of minimal paths (MPs). An
MP is an ordered sequence of arcs from s to t that has no cycle. Note that a minimal path is
different from the ...
最受欢迎的Joomla社区用户管理收费插件 - Commnity Builder 1.2 RC2。
Community Builder suite (CB) extends the Joomla! user management system. Key features: extra fields in profile, enhanced registration workflows, user lists, connection paths between users, admin defined tabs and user profiles, image u ...
最受欢迎的Joomla 社区用户管理收费插件 Community Builder 1.2 RC2 的电子书,仅提供给付费会员
Community Builder suite (CB) extends the Joomla! user management system. Key features: extra fields in profile, enhanced registration workflows, user lists, connection paths between users, admin defined tabs a ...
December 19, 2006 - Ant 1.7.0 Available
Apache Ant 1.7.0 is now available for download.
Ant 1.7 introduces a resource framework. Some of the core ant tasks such as <copy/> are now able to process not only file system resources but also zip entries, tar entries, paths, ... Resource collections group ...
In some graphs, the shortest path is given by optimizing two different metrics: the sum of weights of the edges and the number of edges. For example: if two paths with equal cost exist then, the path with the least number of edges is chosen as the shortest path. Given this metric, you have find out ...
Because WDM networks are circuit switched loss networks blocking may occur because of lack of resources. Also in circuit switched networks many paths use the same links. This toolbox answers the question how different paths with different loads influence on each other and what is the blocking on eac ...
There are many algorithms that can be applied to graphs. Many of these are actually used in the real world,
such as Dijkstra’s algorithm to find shortest paths. We will discuss a few here.
In order to improve the spectral efficiency in wireless communications, multiple
antennas are employed at both transmitter and receiver sides, where the resulting
system is referred to as the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system. In
MIMO systems, it is usually requiredto detect signals joint ...