out< "please input the number of the nodes"<<endl
cout<<"please input the graph"<<endl
for( i = 1 i<=nodesNum i++)
for( j = 1 j <= nodesNum j++)
cin>>graph[i][j] */
this is a sample about usb out transmission,it s default installation is D:\RedLogic\RCII_samples, and the software environment is quatrusII 5.0,it is usefull for studying hardware and usb.
Programs in the irregular grid design package described in this manual are used to carry out five main functions:
verification and adjustment of coastline and bathymetric data
preparation of an irregular triangular depth grid covering the domain to be modelled
production of a preliminary irregu ...
Back in 2002, the 6502 disappeared out of all catalogues.
Wanted to know, if it s possible to build a binary compatible CPU with the things I had in the drawer:
74LS parts, 27C512 EPROMs and a fast static RAM from an old 80386 motherboard.
Now here the results.
Note, that the Bus timing is diff ...
This will sample all 8 A/D-channels.
The result will be send out via UART1 and can be seen within
any terminal-program (9600 Baud).
With each pressed key the next channel will be converted.
No interrupts are used.