KVM (for Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware. It consists of a loadable kernel module (kvm.ko) and a userspace component.
Using KVM, one can run multiple virtual machines running unmodified Linux or Windows images. Each virtual machine has priv ...
The code, images and designs for this book are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
You are free:
* to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
* to make derivative works
Under the following c ...
Three-dimensional real-time graphics are a prevalent technology nowadays, thanks
to the steady rise of processing power and specialized graphics hardware. One of the
goals of computer graphics most sought after and difficult to achieve is to reproduce realistic outdoor environments featuring dense f ...
ekhtml: The El-Kabong HTML parser
El-Kabong: A speedy, yet forgiving, SAX-stylee HTML parser.
Web Site: ekhtml.sourceforge.net
The web site contains links to locations where one can:
- file bugs
- join mailing lists
- download the l ...
/* Check_SST_39VF400A Check manufacturer and device ID
/* CFI_Query CFI Query Entry/Exit command sequence
/* Erase_One_Sector Erase a sector of 2048 words
/* Erase_One_Block Erase a block of 32K words
/* Erase_Entire_Chip Erase the contents of the entire chip
/* Program_One_Word Alter data in one wo ...
Implemented BFS, DFS and A*
To compile this project, use the following command:
g++ -o search main.cpp
Then you can run it:
The input is loaded from a input file in.txt
Here is the format of the input file:
The first line of the input file shoud contain two chars indicate the source and ...
Securing Apache 2: Step-by-Step
When choosing a web server, Apache very often wins against its competitors because of stability, performance, that fact that it s open source, and many other advantages. But when deciding on which version of Apache to use, the choice is not always so simple. On the o ...
Robustnesstochangesinilluminationconditionsaswellas viewing perspectives is an important requirement formany computer vision applications. One of the key fac-ors in enhancing the robustness of dynamic scene analy-sis that of accurate and reliable means for shadow de-ection. Shadowdetectioniscritical ...
//Basic packet sending test at the MAC level, used for internal testing only.
//This packet test has one node sending out a variety of
//differently formatted packets to two assumed destination nodes.