
  • 射频集成电路设计John Rogers(Radio Freq

    Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design I enjoyed reading this book for a number of reasons. One reason is that itaddresses high-speed analog design in the context of microwave issues. This isan advanced-level book, which should follow courses in basic circuits andtransmission lines. Most analog i ...


    标签: Rogers Radio John Freq

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • Design Safe Verilog State Machine(Synplicity)

      One of the strengths of Synplify is the Finite State Machine compiler. This is a powerfulfeature that not only has the ability to automatically detect state machines in the sourcecode, and implement them with either sequential, gray, or one-hot encoding. But alsoperform a reachability ana ...


    标签: Synplicity Machine Verilog Design

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • 电源工程师-电路设计中的英雄

    Abstract: We don't expect manufacturers to produce clothes that in one size that fits everyone. In thesame way, one ESD component can't solve all issues—each application has different ESD requirements.Knowing that "one size fits all" cannot apply to power design, the power designer, ...


    标签: 电源工程师 电路设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • Riverside (MAXREFDES8#)3.3V Input, 12V (15V) Output Isolated Power Supply

    Abstract: This document details the Riverside (MAXREFDES8#) subsystem reference design, a 3.3V input, 12V (15V) output, isolated power supply. The Riverside reference design includes a 3W primary-side transformer H-bridge driver for isolated supplies, and one wide input range and adjustable output ...


    标签: Riverside MAXREFDES Isolated Output

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • 电子设备电源节能讲解

    Abstract: The "vampire" drain on electricity by household gadgets is only one indicator of the lack of policies to conserve energy and protect people and businesses from a major energy disaster. Most


    标签: 电子设备 电源节能

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • 快速,高效,独立型NiMH,NiCd电池充电

      Although recent popular attention is focused on LithiumIon batteries, one must not forget that other batterychemistries, such as Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) and NickelMetal Hydride (NiMH) have advantages in rechargeablepower systems. Nickel-based batteries are robust, capableof high discharge r ...


    标签: NiMH NiCd 独立 电池充电

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • 多相DC/DC控制器精度和带宽限制

      Speed and accuracy don’t always go hand-in-handin DC/DC converter systems—that is, until now. TheLTC3811 is a dual output, fi xed frequency current modeDC/DC switching regulator controller designed for one oftoday’s most demanding power supply applications: highcurrent, ...


    标签: DC 多相 控制器 带宽

    上传时间: 2013-11-21


  • 三降压稳压器功能的1-Wire动态可编程输出电压

      The LTC®3569 is a compact power solution for handhelddevices. Its tiny 3mm × 3mm QFN package includesthree buck regulators with individually programmableoutput voltages. One regulator supports load currentsup to 1200mA, while the other two support currents to600mA. Two regulator ...


    标签: Wire 降压稳压器 动态 可编程

    上传时间: 2013-10-11


  • DN458降压转换器简化低电压设计

      Many system designers need an easy way to producea negative 3.3V power supply. In systems that alreadyhave a transformer, one option is to swap out the existingtransformer with one that has an additional secondarywinding. The problem with this solution is that manysystems now use transfor ...


    标签: 458 DN 降压转换器 低电压

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • 运用LT3092电流源以高线性度来实现温度至电流转换

      One of the fi rst lessons in a basic electronics coursecovers the symbols for resistors, capacitors, inductors,voltage sources and current sources. Althougheach symbol represents a functional component of areal-world circuit, only some of the symbols have directphysical counterparts. For ...


    标签: 3092 LT 电流源 温度

    上传时间: 2013-11-24
