With OpenSSL 0.9.6, a new component has been added to support external crypto devices, for example accelerator cards. The component is called ENGINE, and has still a pretty experimental status and almost no documentation. It s designed to be fairly easily extensible by the calling programs.
The goal of this library is to make ODBC recordsets look just like an STL container. As a user, you can move through our containers using standard STL iterators and if you insert(), erase() or replace() records in our containers changes can be automatically committed to the database for you. The lib ...
THE SYNTAX OF A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE tells you what code it is possible
to write—what the machine will understand. Style tells you what you ought to write—
what the humans reading the code will understand. Code written with a consistent, simple
style will be maintainable, robust, and contain fewer ...
acm HDOJ 1051WoodenSticks
There is a pile of n wooden sticks. The length and weight of each stick are known in advance. The sticks are to be processed by a woodworking machine in one by one fashion. It needs some time, called setup time, for the machine to prepare processing a stick. Th ...
Learning Kernel Classifiers: Theory and Algorithms, Introduction This chapter introduces the general problem of machine learning and how it relates to statistical inference. 1.1 The Learning Problem and (Statistical) Inference It was only a few years after the introduction of the first computer that ...
By building a nonlinear function relationship between an d the error signal,this paper presents a no—
vel variable step size LMS(Least Mean Square)adaptive filtering algorithm.