CarSim is an application for the simulating the (simplified) movement of cars on a two-dimensional surface.
Package ope.carsim contains classes that represent the problem domain: cars and locations.
Package ope.carsim.gui contains a user interface for the application.
JPowerGraph is a Java library for creating directed graphs for Swing. It supports graph movement, selection, context menus, tooltips and dynamic edge creation.
JPowerGraph is a Java library for creating directed graphs for SWT. It supports graph movement, selection, context menus, tooltips and dynamic edge creation. JPowerGraph has a spring layout algorithm based on that used in TouchGraph.
Simulate the movement of the Towers of Hanoi puzzle Bonus is possible for using animation
eg. if n = 2 A→B A→C B→C
if n = 3 A→C A→B C→B A→C B→A B→C A→C
It can be argued that the current free-software movement is the most important
thing happening in computing today. We are in the midst of a major shift from
all software being proprietary and closely held by individual companies to a large
body of software that can be freely acquired and used by any ...
PSO’s precursor was a simulator of social behavior, that was used to visualize
the movement of a birds’ flock. Several versions of the simulation model
were developed, incorporating concepts such as nearest-neighbor velocity
matching and acceleration by distance