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mathematics 46


  • Fundamentals+of+Telecommunications+2nd+ed

    This book is an entry-level text on the technology of telecommunications. It has been crafted with the newcomer in mind. The twenty-one chapters of text have been prepared for high-school graduates who understand algebra, logarithms, and the basic principles of electricity such as Ohm’s law. Howeve ...


    标签: Telecommunications Fundamentals 2nd of ed

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Performance+Analysis+of+Communications+Networks

    Performance analysis belongs to the domain of applied mathematics. The major domain of application in this book concerns telecommunications sys- tems and networks. We will mainly use stochastic analysis and probability theory to address problems in the performance evaluation of telecommuni- cations ...


    标签: Communications Performance Analysis Networks of

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Systems+Engineering+in+Wireless+Communications

    In Helsinki during a visiting lecture, an internationally well-known professor in communica- tionssaid,‘Inthecommunicationssocietywehavemanagedtoconvertourproposalsandideas to real products, not like in the control engineering society. They have very nice papers and strong mathematics but most of t ...


    标签: Communications Engineering Wireless Systems in

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Introduction to the Mathematical Theory

    Mathematics isplayinganevermoreimportantroleinthephysicalandbiological sciences,provokinga blurringof boundariesbetweenscientific disciplinesand a resurgenceof interestinthemodemas well as theclassicaltechniquesof applied mathematics. Thisrenewalofinterest,bothinresearchandteaching,hasledtothe estab ...


    标签: Introduction Mathematical Theory the to

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • MultivariableControlSystems

    This introductory chapter is devoted to reviewing the fundamental ideas of control from a multivariable point of view. In some cases, the mathematics and operations on systems (modelling, pole placement, etc.), as previously treated in introductory courses and textbooks, convey to the readers an un- ...


    标签: MultivariableControlSystems

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Intelligence_-A-Modern-Approach

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a big field, and this is a big book. We have tried to explore the full breadth of the field, which encompasses logic, probability, and continuous mathematics; perception, reasoning, learning, and action; and everything from microelectronic devices to robotic planetary ...


    标签: A-Modern-Approach Intelligence

    上传时间: 2020-06-10
