This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may
fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is
not less than d. A simple algorithm is proposed "rstly to generate all lower boundary poin ...
This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may
fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is
not less than d. A simple algorithm is proposed "rstly to generate all lower boundary poin ...
This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may
fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is
not less than d. A simple algorithm is proposed "rstly to generate all lower boundary poin ...
This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may
fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is
not less than d. A simple algorithm is proposed "rstly to generate all lower boundary poin ...
Returns weighted percentiles of a sample given the weight vector w
% The idea is to give more emphasis in some examples of data as compared to
% others by giving more weight. For example, we could give lower weights to
% the outliers.
% The motivation to write this function is to compute percen ...
Easy-to-Use, Ultra-Tiny, Differential, 16-Bit Delta Sigma ADC With I2C Interface
The LTC2453 is an ultra-tiny, fully differential, 16-bit, analog-to-digital converter. The LTC2453 uses a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply and communicates through an I2C interface. The ADC is available in an 8-pin, 3mm x 2m ...
Express DSP compliant C55x DTMF detector software is proposed in two versions: one with a 5 ms frame
size and one with a 10 ms frame size. The versions are quite similar in behavior. The version with a 10 ms
frame size is faster, but the overall quality is higher in the 5 ms version, due to lower ti ...
Squaring circuits are an important building block for impulse-radio UWB non-coherent receivers. This work proposes a squarer, based on the quadratic law of saturated transistors. Such a circuit has already been proposed for lower frequency applications, therefore this work focuses on the extension t ...
The "GEE! It s Simple" package illustrates Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, which produces a factorization of P*A into the product L*U where P is a permutation matrix, and L and U are lower and upper triangular, respectively.
The functions in this package are accurate, but they are far s ...