SSD3: Object-Oriented Programming and Design
This course introduces students to problem solving by means of object-oriented design and implementation. Emphasis is on problem analysis and solution design, documentation and implementation. Students use commercial software libraries, and ...
The MATLAB Compiler automatically converts MATLAB M-files to C and C++
code. The MATLAB Compiler includes the MATLAB C/C++ Math and Graphics
Libraries, which let you automatically convert your MATLAB applications to C
and C++ code for stand-alone applications.
Liferea is an abbreviation for Linux Feed Reader. It is a news
aggregator for online news feeds. It supports a number of different
feed formats including RSS/RDF, CDF and Atom. There are many other
news readers available, but these others are not available for
Linux or require many extra libraries t ...
* Lightweight backpropagation neural network.
* This a lightweight library implementating a neural network for use
* in C and C++ programs. It is intended for use in applications that
* just happen to need a simply neural network and do not want to use
* needlessly complex neural network librar ...
游戏开发数据结构Data Structures for Game Programmers
The Goodies Directory contains all sorts of stuff. For example, there are the four
3rd-Party libraries used in the book, SDL, SDL_TTF, FreeType (which SDL_TTF uses),
and STLPort, which is one implementation of the Standard Template Library.
Also, ...
Object-Oriented Programming and Design Introduction This course introduces students to problem solving by means of object-oriented design and implementation. Emphasis is on problem analysis and solution design, documentation and implementation. Students use commercial software libraries, and create ...
Object-Oriented Programming and Design Introduction This course introduces students to problem solving by means of object-oriented design and implementation. Emphasis is on problem analysis and solution design, documentation and implementation. Students use commercial software libraries, and create ...
exercie 8
Object-Oriented Programming and Design Introduction This course introduces students to problem solving by means of object-oriented design and implementation. Emphasis is on problem analysis and solution design, documentation and implementation. Students use commercial software librari ...
exm 3
Object-Oriented Programming and Design Introduction This course introduces students to problem solving by means of object-oriented design and implementation. Emphasis is on problem analysis and solution design, documentation and implementation. Students use commercial software libraries, and c ...