As3 Crypto is a cryptography library written in Actionscript 3 that provides several common algorithms. This version also introduces a TLS engine (TLS is commonly known as SSL.)
Swarm intelligence is an innovative computational way to solve hard problems. In particular, particle swarm optimization, also commonly known as PSO, mimics the behavior of a swarm of i ...
We describe and demonstrate an algorithm that takes as input an
unorganized set of points fx1􀀀 􀀀 xng 􀀀 IR3 on or near an unknown
manifold M, and produces as output a simplicial surface that
approximates M. Neither the topology, the presence of boundaries,
nor the geometry ...
// chebysheve outlier detection
// this function is used to detect the abnormal value among a set of data
// input:
// delta: a set of data
// flag: discribe which data is already known as outlier
// p: restrict level
// output:
// double[] door : byyond which the data may be considered as a outlie ...
The major functionality added in this release includes:
- Rootless mode in X11
- Widget Templtes [both compiled and XML]
As always, this isn t meant to be a stable release, it is only provided so
people can more easily experiment with PicoGUI and possibly help in its
Some of the ...
This book manage to show you how you can methodically apply different techniques to your
own algorithms to make them more efficient. While this book mostly highlights general techniques,
some well-known algorithms are also looked at in depth.
Managing Humans is a selection of the best essays from Michael Lopps web site, Rands In Repose. Drawing on Lopp s management experiences at Apple, Netscape, Symantec, and Borland, this book is full of stories based on companies in the Silicon Valley where people have been known to yell at each other ...
Fortran has always been the principal language used in the fields of scientific,
numerical, and engineering programming, and a series of revisions to the standard
defining successive versions of the language has progressively enhanced its power
and kept it competitive with several generations of ...
if the method is to be made void, then it cannot have a return statement, all it can do is set the value. Your SeatReserved variable is already a global variable, so what you have in the last post will work, it is known as a set or setter method. All it does is set a value, usually these are don ...