
  • Microchip PIC系列单片机RS232通讯应用

    Digitemp Junior – An RS-232 Port-Powered Digital Thermometer Digitemp Jr. is a device that is designed to measure and report ambient temperature. When connected to an RS-232 port on any PC, it will periodically measure and report in ASCII form the ambient temperature in degrees Celsius ...


    标签: Microchip 232 PIC RS

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • PIC单片机的RS232通讯程序

    Digitemp Jr. is a device that is designed to measure and report ambient temperature. When connected to an RS-232 port on any PC, it will periodically measure and report in ASCII form the ambient temperature in degrees Celsius. These temperature readings can be monitored with any terminal program. If ...


    标签: PIC 232 RS 单片机

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • dances Act now and you ll be given a free membership to a top Internet firm who is changing people s

    dances Act now and you ll be given a free membership to a top Internet firm who is changing people s lives for the better.Mary L. White of LA. stays at home with her children and works just 3 1/2 hours a day... she now earns twice as much money as she did before. Frank Herns Jr. of NY takes 2 vacati ...


    标签: membership Internet changing dances

    上传时间: 2015-03-08


  • MIPS 仿真器

    MIPS 仿真器,能够实现汇编,反汇编和模拟运行。自己开发的,java课的大程,可能问题比较多,仅做参考,而且程序架构也设计地不是很好。但作为新手大程学习和简单的MIPS模拟还是没有问题的。 本 MIPS 模拟器支持的指令如下: add,addi,sub,subi,and,andi,or,ori,nor,beq,bne,j,jr,jal,lw,lh,lb,sw,sh,sb, 其中所有的跳 转 ...


    标签: MIPS 仿真器

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • UItrsISO完美注册版

    UItrsISO内带注册码,完美运行 注册信息: 简体中文版专用,价值30块钱的正版注册码! 注册名:Guanjiu 注册码:A06C-83A7-701D-6CFC 多语言版本专用,价值10美刀的注册码分享! Registration name: Home Registration code: 4BA9-0D54-214A-C938 Registration name: Heinzdieter Beckmann Jr Registration c ...


    标签: UItrsISO

    上传时间: 2020-03-16


  • 热门 linux 书籍汇总



    标签: 异步电动机

    上传时间: 2013-06-04
