The FiST (File System Translator) system combines two methods to solve the above problems in a novel way: a set of stackable file system templates for each operating system, and a high-level language that can ...
This the third edition of the Writing Device Drivers articles. The first article helped to simply get you acquainted with device drivers and a simple framework for developing a device driver for NT. The second tutorial attempted to show to use IOCTLs and display what the memory layout of Windows NT ...
A shared library is a collection of functions that are available for use by one or more applications running on a system. On Windows operating systems, the library is compiled into a dynamic link library (.dll) file. At run-time, the library is loaded into memory and made accessible to ...
OpenSVM was developped under Visual C++ 6.0 SP6,
You can open the workspace file(*.dsw) in the opensvm-src folder.
The folder include the svm.h and svm.cpp which in the libsvm (Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin All rights reserved) in the opensvm-src\libsvm.
However, the f ...
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture is written in direct response to the stiff challenges that face enterprise application developers. The author, noted object-oriented designer Martin Fowler, noticed that despite changes in technology--from Smalltalk to CORBA to Java to .NET--the same b ...
How the K-mean Cluster work
Step 1. Begin with a decision the value of k = number of clusters
Step 2. Put any initial partition that classifies the data into k clusters. You may assign the training samples randomly, or systematically as the following:
Take the first k training sample as single-e ...
Parking Lot Simulation:
Parking lot attendants often park cars bumper-to-bumper, several cars deep. This maximizes the number of cars they can fit into a parking lot at the expense of complicating the process of retrieving someone s car when they want to leave. Consider the case of a person wanting ...
The four case studies that follow each have a number of common features. They each illustrate the birth of an idea and show how that idea can be realised into a marketable product. Each case study deals with engineering design and development issues and each highlights the importance of dev ...
PartiTek SDK
PartiTek Software Inc. is a professional image processing and barcode software development company that produces the SDK to encode & decode PDF417, QR Code, Data Matrix . By using PartiTek software, our users have successfully leveraged many years of university level research into thei ...