This a Bayesian ICA algorithm for the linear instantaneous mixing model with additive Gaussian noise [1]. The inference problem is solved by ML-II, i.e. the sources are found by integration over the source posterior and the noise covariance and mixing matrix are found by maximization of the marginal ...
Ti LaunchPad_Temp_GUI for your reference Select COM port that LaunchPad is connected to
* receive serial communication from LaunchPad for
* instantaneous temperature readings.
Get more out of your legacy systems: more performance, functionality, reliability, and manageability
Is your code easy to change? Can you get nearly instantaneous feedback when you do change it? Do you understand it? If the answer to any of these questions is no, you have legacy code, and it is dra ...
The capability of radio waves to provide almost instantaneous distant communications
without interconnecting wires was a major factor in the explosive growth of communica-
tions during the 20th century. With the dawn of the 21st century, the future for communi-
cations systems seems limitless. The i ...
以AT89S52单片机为控制核心,采用电容降压技术,Buck电路拓扑,PWM驱动模块和功率器件散热设计,通过高速的数据采集、主功率输入输出模块和控制模块,设计一种新型智能车载充电器.在充电过程中,通过负脉冲瞬间放电实现对铅酸蓄电池的再生修复,提高电池的有效容量,延长使用寿命.该充电器体积小、速度快、效率高、可靠性好.With AT ...