Lua is a powerful, light-weight programming language designed for extending applications. It is also frequently used as a general-purpose, stand-alone language. It combines simple procedural syntax (similar to Pascal) with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensib ...
AIOTrade is a free, open source stock technical analysis platform built on pure java. Its pluggable architecture is also ideal for custom features extending, such as indicators and charts. It Requires JRE 1.5.0+.
Squaring circuits are an important building block for impulse-radio UWB non-coherent receivers. This work proposes a squarer, based on the quadratic law of saturated transistors. Such a circuit has already been proposed for lower frequency applications, therefore this work focuses on the extension t ...
JaNet: Java Neural Network Toolkit
resume: A well documented toolkit for designing and training, and a java library for inclusion in third party programs.
description: jaNet package is a java neural network toolkit, which you can use to design, test, train and optimize an ideal Neural Network for ...
Excellent Bootloader with a lot of features for arm, can be used for homebrew applications or for learning how a bootloader works, it has support for networking and yet has a very small size. support for filesystems, flash disk, flash, cf etc present. ideal when you would like get ur board up and ru ...
MATFOR FFT Visual Fortran program.
MATFOR Extensions, as implied in the name, are data or components external to MATFOR modules that can be used to add versatility to MATFOR programs. Currently there are two types of extensions available with MATFOR, they are MATLAB Interface and Tecplot FileIO. MAT ...
Add myaa.m to your path and enjoy anti-aliased professionally looking graphics in Matlab at any time. Myaa works with any kind of graphic (3-D, plots, scatterplots, ...) and even adds anti-aliasing to text, ui controls and grids. Myaa is ideal for complex, cluttered and saturated plots.
Add myaa.m to your path and enjoy anti-aliased professionally looking graphics in Matlab at any time. Myaa works with any kind of graphic (3-D, plots, scatterplots, ...) and even adds anti-aliasing to text, ui controls and grids. Myaa is ideal for complex, cluttered and satura ...
This book uses the Python language to teach pro
gramming concepts and problem
-solving skills, without assuming any previous program- ming experience. With easy-to-understand examples, pseudocode, flowcharts, and other
tools, the student learns how to design the logic of programs and then implem ...
This is an implementation of double-array structure for representing trie,
as proposed by Junichi Aoe [1].
Trie is a kind of digital search tree, an efficient indexing method with
O(1) time complexity for searching. Comparably as efficient as hashing,
trie also provides flexibility on incremental m ...