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hard 103


  • Project to Read Hard Disk data (raw format) at Windows Run Time

    Project to Read Hard Disk data (raw format) at Windows Run Time


    标签: Project Windows format Hard

    上传时间: 2017-09-03


  • 使用进化计算算法解决TSP(Travelling Sales man Problem)问题的算法实现。程序显示了进化计算在解决NP-Hard的传统难题上的优势。

    使用进化计算算法解决TSP(Travelling Sales man Problem)问题的算法实现。程序显示了进化计算在解决NP-Hard的传统难题上的优势。


    标签: Travelling Problem NP-Hard Sales

    上传时间: 2014-01-22


  • Finally, after a great deal of effort and hard work, you have obtained the results you were trying

    Finally, after a great deal of effort and hard work, you have obtained the results you were trying to get for such a long time. You may be so busy (and tired) that you don’t even realize that you have indeed achieved a certain measure of success. Perhaps it will take a fewmore months before you can ...


    标签: you obtained Finally results

    上传时间: 2014-09-10


  • 使用指针调用函数产生 Hard Fault

    该问题由某用户提出,发生在 STM32F2xx 器件上。据其工程师讲述:在其产品设计中,使用了第三方的软件库。出于某种原因,第三方不能提供软件库的源代码,只能以二进制映像的形式供其使用。在软件工程中,通过相关设置将该映像定位到某一固定的地址上,用户程序则是通过各个库函数的入口地址来调用相关的库函数。在软件调试 ...


    标签: 指针

    上传时间: 2022-02-21


  • 外挂硬盘和FLASH的MP3播放器解决方案

    ·详细说明:外挂硬盘和FLASH的MP3播放器解决方案,用C和汇编编写,并附带有电路原理图- Outside hangs the hard disk and the FLASH MP3 player solution, with C and the assembly compilation, and has the electric circuit schematic diagram in pass


    标签: FLASH MP3 硬盘 播放器

    上传时间: 2013-06-12


  • 数字电源学习资料

    Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, tor ...


    标签: 数字电源

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • 三星MCU编程器/三星单片编程器

    QSP-12是一款性/价比极高的直接使用USB通讯协议而开发的三星单片机专用编程器。不同于传统采用USB转RS232的编程器,直接使用USB通讯协议的QSP-12更快更可靠!配合精心优化设计的PC客户端编程(烧录)软件,实现了业界最高的编程性能。自动烧录S3F9454(包含擦除/编程/校验/写Smart option/Read protect/LDC protect/Hard Lo ...


    标签: MCU 三星 编程器

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • winCE msdn讲座

    winCE msdn讲座 XP Embedded Now and the future Windows XP Embedded Developmentand Deployment Model OverviewWindows XP Embedded Component ModelWindows XP Embedded Studio Tools Microsoft WindowsXP Embedded Product Highlights Componentized version of Windows XP Professional~ 12,000 components and update ...


    标签: winCE msdn 讲座

    上传时间: 2013-10-31


  • 扩频通信芯片STEL-2000A的FPGA实现

    针对传统集成电路(ASIC)功能固定、升级困难等缺点,利用FPGA实现了扩频通信芯片STEL-2000A的核心功能。使用ISE提供的DDS IP核实现NCO模块,在下变频模块调用了硬核乘法器并引入CIC滤波器进行低通滤波,给出了DQPSK解调的原理和实现方法,推导出一种简便的引入?仔/4固定相移的实现方法。采用模块化的设计方法使用VHDL语言 ...


    标签: STEL 2000 FPGA 扩频通信

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • 红外遥控协议_英文版

    There is no doubt that remote controls are extremely popular and it has become very hard to imagine a world without them. They are used to control all manner of house appliances like the TV set, the stereo, the VCR, and the satellite receiver.


    标签: 红外遥控 协议 英文

    上传时间: 2013-11-13
