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general 349


  • lingo11

    常用的数学工具,LINGO是Linear Interactive and General Optimizer的缩写,即“交互式的线性和通用优化求解器”,


    标签: 数学

    上传时间: 2016-02-12


  • 透明音乐播放器

    [开源 绿色软件] [运行环境 Windows XP/7/8/10] [语言 简体/繁體/English/Unicode] A cool music player. Powered by Bass and BassVis. 极简本地音乐播放器,透明、纯文本界面。支持轻媒体库、歌词、可视化。最小化到托盘,占用资源少,适合边听音乐边工作。 应网友要求,加入了Tag编辑、自动切换列表、播放队列、鼠标手 ...


    标签: 透明 音乐播放器

    上传时间: 2016-06-10


  • eclipse sublime主题

    下载后请改名为subtext_theme.epf 在eclipse种import->General->Preferences


    标签: eclipse sublime

    上传时间: 2016-12-20


  • Bi-density twin support vector machines

    In this paper we present a classifier called bi-density twin support vector machines (BDTWSVMs) for data classification. In the training stage, BDTWSVMs first compute the relative density degrees for all training points using the intra-class graph whose weights are determined by a local sc ...


    标签: recognition Bi-density machines support pattern vector twin for

    上传时间: 2019-06-09


  • Fundamental Limits on a Class of Secure

    Abstract—In the future communication applications, users may obtain their messages that have different importance levels distributively from several available sources, such as distributed storage or even devices belonging to other users. This scenario is the best modeled by the multilevel diversity ...


    标签: Fundamental Limits Secure Class on of

    上传时间: 2020-01-04


  • AD826

    High-Speed, Low-Power Dual Operational Amplifier The AD826 features high output current drive capability of 50 mA min per amp, and is able to drive unlimited capacitive loads. With a low power supply current of 15 mA max for both amplifiers, the AD826 is a true general p ...


    标签: 826 AD

    上传时间: 2020-04-19


  • AD8001AR

    transimpedance linearization circuitry. This allows it to drive video loads with excellent differential gain and phase perfor mance on only 50 mW of power. The AD8001 is a current feedback amplifier and features gain flatness of 0.1 dB to 100 MHz while offering differential gain and ph ...


    标签: 8001 AD AR

    上传时间: 2020-04-21


  • Building Next-Generation Converged Networks

    The telecommunications industry has seen a rapid boost within the last decade. New realities and visions of functionalities in various telecommunications networks have brought forward the concept of next-generation networks (NGNs). The competitions among operators for support- ing various services, ...


    标签: Next-Generation Converged Building Networks

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • EDGE+for+Mobile+Internet

    The General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) allows an end user to send and receive data in packet transfer mode within a public land mobile network (PLMN) without using a permanent connection between the mobile station (MS) and the external network during data transfer. This way, GPRS opti- mizes the us ...


    标签: Mobile EDGE

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Implementing+802.11

    Communication, a word that many associate with modern technology, actually has nothing to do with technology. At its core, communication involves nothing more than the spoken or written word, and symbolic languages like art and music. Technology has become synonymous with communication because techn ...


    标签: Implementing 802.11

    上传时间: 2020-05-27
