The WCDMA Physical Layer Demo consists of an end-to-end (transmitter-to-receiver) simulation of the Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) Downlink physical layer for several Dedicated Channels (DCH) as specified by the 3GPP standard (Release 99).
MSP-FET430P410 Demo - Timer_A Toggle P5.1, CCR0 Contmode ISR, DCO SMCLK
Description Toggle P5.1 using using software and TA_0 ISR. Toggle rate is
set at 50000 DCO/SMCLK cycles. Default DCO frequency used for TACLK.
Durring the TA_0 ISR P5.1 is toggled and 50000 clock cycles are added to CCR0. TA_ ...
The purpose of this document is to present how to use the Timer for the generation of a PWM signal tunable in frequency and duty cycle. As an application example, this document is based on a basic “music” synthesizer through an external buzzer. Example code is also available in the it.
Circular Convolution of two equal-length vectors. Highlights that circular convolution in the time domain is the effectively the same as element-by-element multiplication in the frequency domain.
WB_BPSK_Analysis.rar:BPSK modulation and link analysis of UWB monocycle and doublet waveforms.Revised 1/2/05-JC.This m file plots the time and frequency waveforms for BPSK 1st and 2nd derivative equations used in UWB system analysis.
MATLAB Code for Optimal Quincunx Filter
Bank Design
Yi Chen
July 17, 2006
This file introduces the MATLAB code that implements the two algorithms (i.e., Algorithms
1 and 2 in [1], or Algorithms 4.1 and 4.2 in [2]) used for the construction of
quincunx filter banks with perfect reconstruction, linear ...
DDR SDRAM控制器的VHDL源代码,含详细设计文档。
The DDR, DCM, and SelectI/O™ features in the Virtex™ -II architecture make it the perfect
choice for implementing a controller of a Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM. The Digital Clock
Manager (DCM) provides the required Delay Locked Loop (DLL), Dig ...
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** Two wire/I2C Bus READ/WRITE Sample Routines of Microchip s
** 24Cxx / 85Cxx serial CMOS EEPROM interfacing to a
** PIC16C54 8-bit CMOS single chip microcomputer
** Revsied Version 2.0 (4/2/92).
** Part use = PIC16C54-XT/JW
** Note: 1) All timings are base ...