A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits narrow-spectrum incoherent light when forward-biased.The color of the emitted light depends on the chemical composition of the semiconductor material used, and can benear-ultraviolet, visible or infrared. LEDs are more prevalent tod ...
This paper presents the design of simulated gunfight system based on C8051F320.Introduces system structure,and puts forwa ...
By analyzing the programmable filter,the paper puts forward a programmable filter system design based on MAS262 on ...
On basis of the operating principle of MSP430 microcontroller-based fingerprint safe,the general ana ...
The P82B96 offers many different ways in which it can be used as abus interface. In its simplest application it can be used as aninterface between bus systems operating from different supplyvoltages. Opto isolation between two bus systems is possible, andalso the availability of the Tx and Rx signal ...