GIS系统支持库Geospatial Data Abstraction Library代码.GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial
ead file "YD.DOC".
Who is the intended user
Beginners in assembly and programmers.
Features of the program:
Yilmaz Disassembler:is an interactive disassembler which lets the user be a part of the disassembling process,is flexible, the user can disassemble in different formats,has user friendly i ...
ATViewer is a component for Delphi/C++Builder, which allows to view files of various types. There is no edit possibility, just quick view - so it s useful to implement "View file" feature in your Delphi/C++Builder application.
The following view modes are implemented:
Text, Binary, Hex, Unicode: ...
The CoinUtils project is a collection of open-source utilities developed and used by a variety of other projects in the COIN-OR repository. The project includes classes for storing and manipulating sparse matrices and vectors, performing matrix factorization, parsing input files in standard formats, ...
MS-Clustering is designed to rapidly cluster large MS/MS datasets. The program merges similar spectra (having similar m/z values ?within a given tolerance), and creates a single consensus spectrum as a representative. The input formats accepted are: dta, mgf, mzXML. The output format is mgf.
The iputils package contains ping, a basic networking tool. The ping command sends a series of ICMP protocol ECHO_REQUEST packets to as pecified network host and can tell you if that machine is alive and receiving network traffic.ipv6calc is a small utility which formats and calculates IPv6 addresse ...
The code on this diskette has been organized by chapter. Each subdirectory
containing listing has a readme.txt describing program usage and any relevent
file formats. The readme will also describe how to compile the target
programs under IBM OS/2 (TM) using the using C Set++ compiler (TM). All progr ...
Liferea is an abbreviation for Linux Feed Reader. It is a news
aggregator for online news feeds. It supports a number of different
feed formats including RSS/RDF, CDF and Atom. There are many other
news readers available, but these others are not available for
Linux or require many extra libraries t ...
--- --
This component is used for capturing staff from AVI to BMP.
Extract the compiled units into your Lib directory or into
another directory that is listed in the Library path in your Delphi options.
Choose file AVIcap.dcu for register.
-- ...
RSAEURO Version 1.02 Distribution
In this distribution the various files are included in the directories
DOCS - RSAEURO Documentation Directory
DEMO - Demo Applications Directory
SOURCE - Source Code Directory
SCRIPTS - Demo Applications Script Files
INSTALL - Inst ...