
  • mil、inch、foot和mm的换算关系及软件

    换算关系还是简单,不过要算来算去还是需要工具,现在给大家提供的就是它们之间的换算软件。 首先要知道,这几个都是长度单位:foot是英尺,inch是英寸,mil是密耳。 1 mil=0.0254 mm 10 mil=0.254 mm 100 mil=2.54 mm 1 inch=1000 mil= 25.4 mm 1 foot = 12 inch = 304.8 mm=30.48 cm, 而市制单位中,1尺 = 1/3米 = 33 ...


    标签: inch foot mil 软件

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • mil、inch、foot和mm的换算关系及软件

    换算关系还是简单,不过要算来算去还是需要工具,现在给大家提供的就是它们之间的换算软件。 首先要知道,这几个都是长度单位:foot是英尺,inch是英寸,mil是密耳。 1 mil=0.0254 mm 10 mil=0.254 mm 100 mil=2.54 mm 1 inch=1000 mil= 25.4 mm 1 foot = 12 inch = 304.8 mm=30.48 cm, 而市制单位中,1尺 = 1/3米 = 33 ...


    标签: inch foot mil 软件

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • 中华软件联盟--留言系统1.0 演示地址:http://bbs.on-line.cn/UploadFile/2004115213938136.html 下载地址:http://bbs.on-line.

    中华软件联盟--留言系统1.0 演示地址:http://bbs.on-line.cn/UploadFile/2004115213938136.html 下载地址:http://bbs.on-line.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=27&id=5032 程序由Asp+Access开发. 非常方便实用且界面美观的一个留言系统, 程序经过sql防注处理. 部份修改方法:顶部请修改head.js,底部信息请修改foot.js 如在使用中 ...


    标签: on-line http 2004115213938136 UploadFile

    上传时间: 2015-01-30


  • 功能简介: 1) 首页投票调查系统 2)FLASH导航清新直观(带FLA源文件

    功能简介: 1) 首页投票调查系统 2)FLASH导航清新直观(带FLA源文件,可自行改动) 3)首页调用8块文章 4)小类调用4块文章 5)分类显示25条文章 6)后台方便简洁,便于管理 7)两边对联FLASH,是尾部foot.asp中的JS调用,可选用


    标签: FLASH FLA

    上传时间: 2015-03-12


  • 通过将jsp嵌入java代码



    标签: java jsp 代码

    上传时间: 2014-01-13


  • 空间音乐查询工具1.9 1122 本工具采集php抓取QQ空间音乐。 换播放器可直接去qq空间音乐播放器 系统要求 PHP+ZEND3.3以后 cache 目录可写 cfg_

    空间音乐查询工具1.9 1122 本工具采集php抓取QQ空间音乐。 换播放器可直接去qq空间音乐播放器 系统要求 PHP+ZEND3.3以后 cache 目录可写 cfg_qq_file.txt 可写 用二进制模式上传本系统文件 确认服务器能ping qzone-music.qq.com 文件目录说明 player 播放器目录 cache 查询缓存目录,必须为可写 style 风格目录 ...


    标签: cache 1122 ZEND 1.9

    上传时间: 2014-11-26


  • It’s your first day in the lab.Undoubtedly you are experiencing a range of emotions: excitement, cu

    It’s your first day in the lab.Undoubtedly you are experiencing a range of emotions: excitement, curiosity, anxiety. You will be working in this lab and with a group of people, as well as with your supervisor, for several years to come. This is the first day of a long commitment and, for some, a ha ...


    标签: experiencing Undoubtedly excitement emotions

    上传时间: 2017-09-14


  • Interference Analysis

    We were on the lookout for ice. I was in a 32 foot sailing yacht with writer and explorer Tristan Gooley, undertaking a double-handed sail from Scotland through the Faroes up to 66 33 45.7 N and the midnight sun. Now sailing out of the Arctic Circle we were approaching Iceland from the north, headin ...


    标签: Interference Analysis

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • ForDummies_RFID_For_Dummies

    With all the recent hype over radio frequency identification (RFID) and the requirements to implement it, you might think that RFID can turn water into wine, transform lead into gold, and cure the world’s diseases. You might also be worried that RFID will enable Big Brother to track your move- ment ...


    标签: ForDummies_RFID_For_Dummies

    上传时间: 2020-06-08
