Integrated EMI/Thermal Design forSwitching Power SuppliesWei ZhangThesis submitted to the Faculty of theVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Integrated EMI/Thermal Design forSwitching Power SuppliesWei Zhang(ABSTRACT)This wor ...
NORTi3 is a realtime multitasking operating system conforming to the micro-ITRON 3.0
specification. NORTi3 is divided into two packages: NORTi3 Standard and NORTi3 Extended. The
product NORTi3 Extended has implemented all the system calls of level E placed as "added and
extended functions” in the m ...
Frequency Scale Conversion
From f To f Scale
frq2mel mel2frq mel The mel scale is based on the human perception of sinewave pitch.
frq2erb erb2frq erb The erb scale is based on the equivalent rectangular bandwidths of the human ear.
frq2midi midi2frq midi The midi standard specifies a numbering o ...
Introducing a new product requires the designer to think about the product differentiators. Designing a user-friendly product, considering all other features are equivalent, will help increase the product acceptance and sales. A good User Interface is definitively one of these differentiators. In ma ...
The paper presents the CORDIC Algorithm, which has been implemented as an virtual component (IP core) in a VHDL simulation environment. The core is packaged as a soft (VHDL) macro and it implements all transcenden-tal functions. Analysis of the accuracy of the algorithms implemented shows that the C ...
Laser Control is a java program that using a webcam detects when a laser pointer is in a specified hotspot and then does the equivalent of pressing a specified keyboard key. thus controlling Media Portal through it s hot keys. the hotspots can be set by the user as well as the actions taken. Make yo ...
This application report presents basic code for initializing and operating the TMS320LF240x DSP devices. Two functionally equivalent example progra ms are presented: one written in assembly language and the other in C language. Detailed discussions of each program are provided that explain numerous ...
version 2.0
Mtools is a public domain collection of programs to allow Unix systems
to read, write, and manipulate files on an MSDOS filesystem (typically a
The following MSDOS commands are emulated:
name equivalent Description
----- ---- -----------
mattrib ...
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** Two wire/I2C Bus READ/WRITE Sample Routines of Microchip s
** 24Cxx / 85Cxx serial CMOS EEPROM interfacing to a
** PIC16C54 8-bit CMOS single chip microcomputer
** Revsied Version 2.0 (4/2/92).
** Part use = PIC16C54-XT/JW
** Note: 1) All timings are base ...