Mir2 Actor.pas
if (IsFace) and (FaceIndex > -1) then
d := aFrmMain.WFaceimg.Images[FaceIndex * 10 + (FaceFram) mod 8]
/// if HorseSurface<>nil then
// dSurface.Draw (dx+shiftx, dy + hpy + ShiftY-60, d.ClientRect, d, TRUE)
// else
if d <> nil then
if HorseSurface <> nil then
PlotSphereIntensity(azimuth, elevation)
PlotSphereIntensity(azimuth, elevation, intensity)
h = PlotSphereIntensity(...)
Plots the intensity (as color) of a number of points on a unit sphere.
azimuth (phi), in degrees
elevation (theta), in degrees
intensity (optional, if not provided, a gree ...
I made a lot of changed on this object,such as *
// 1.Encapsulates all code in one userobjet,since PB does not *
// support "Address of Function" , so we can not set new *
// WndProc, just makes the object more easy to use. *
// 2.Uses structure array instead of Datastore *
// 3. ...
a sample WDM stream class video capture driver that supports two IEEE 1394 digital cameras.
The same driver may be able to support other digital cameras that conform to 1394-based Digital Camera Specification from 1394 Trade Association.
Digital camera supported by dcam.sys is a data source that pr ...
Managing Humans is a selection of the best essays from Michael Lopps web site, Rands In Repose. Drawing on Lopp s management experiences at Apple, Netscape, Symantec, and Borland, this book is full of stories based on companies in the Silicon Valley where people have been known to yell at each other ...
Scientific calculator. Allows to perform caclulation with high precicion and implements most populatr mathematical functions: sin, cos, tan, asin, acon, atan, exp, log, sqr, floor and ceil. Also it make it possible to define your own function, store results in variables and use variable ...
Matlab 画三维立体图形
The aim of geom3d library is to handle and visualize 3D geometric primitives
such as points, lines, planes, polyhedra... It provides low-level functions
for manipulating 3D geometric primitives, making easier the development of more
complex geometric algorithms. &nbs ...
Evolutionary Computation (EC) deals with problem solving, optimization, and
machine learning techniques inspired by principles of natural evolution and ge-
netics. Just from this basic definition, it is clear that one of the main features of
the research community involved in the study of its theory ...