The Lite Evaluation/Demonstration Kit is intended to illustrate use of the
AN3042. The AN3042 is compliant to the PCI 2.1 Local Bus specification.
Included in the kit is a PCI add-in card, Windows drivers, demonstration
applications, and documentation of the hardware and software provided. The
m ...
JaNet: Java Neural Network Toolkit
resume: A well documented toolkit for designing and training, and a java library for inclusion in third party programs.
description: jaNet package is a java neural network toolkit, which you can use to design, test, train and optimize an ideal Neural Network for ...
ITU-T G.723.1 Speech Coder: Matlab implementation
This package implements the speech coder and decoder. Full documentation
is in the PDF file included with the package. The test folder has test
programs for the coder and decoder (for Windows).
WIND MEDIA LIBRARY 3.0.3 (CP3) for Tornado 2.2.0 and Tornado 2.2.1
Up-to-date product bulletins, information on known problems and fixes/changes made in this release, and essential reference documentation can be obtained from the Wind River Online Support web site.
--- ...
As mentioned, most computers include a serial port. The only hardware setup required is connecting the serial cable to the serial port on the PC and the serial port on the instrument. The serial instrument may include some hardware drivers or software utilities for communication, and should include ...
Free 8051 asm compiler for win
new host platforms: Win32 and Linux
macro processing
dramatically improved conditional assembly
output in Intel-HEX or OMF-51 format
37 new MCU files
documentation in both ASCII and HTML format
numberless small extensions and improvements
bug fixes
For details ...
Free 8051 asm compiler for linux
new host platforms: Win32 and Linux
macro processing
dramatically improved conditional assembly
output in Intel-HEX or OMF-51 format
37 new MCU files
documentation in both ASCII and HTML format
numberless small extensions and improvements
bug fixes
For detai ...
This the first release (version 0.0) of the Peersim
high level P2P network simulator.
This archive contains the javadoc generated documentation,
and a java archive containing the simulator source and bytecode
and some examples.
The purpose of this Primer is to
help you begin to use MATLAB. It is not intended to be
a substitute for the online help facility or the MATLAB
documentation (such as Getting Started with MATLAB,
available in printed form and online). The Primer can
best be used hands-on. You are encouraged to work ...