What is Verilog?
➥ Verilog HDL is a Hardware Description Language (HDL)
➥ Verilog HDL allows describe designs at a high level of
abstraction as well as the lower implementation levels
➥ Primary use of HDLs is the simulation of designs
➥ Verilog is a discrete event time simula ...
documentation for optimal filtering toolbox for mathematical software
package Matlab. The methods in the toolbox include Kalman filter, extended Kalman filter
and unscented Kalman filter for discrete time state space models. Also included in the toolbox
are the Rauch-Tung-Striebel and Forward-Backwa ...
documentation for optimal filtering toolbox for mathematical software
package Matlab. The methods in the toolbox include Kalman filter, extended Kalman filter
and unscented Kalman filter for discrete time state space models. Also included in the toolbox
are the Rauch-Tung-Striebel and Forward-Backwa ...
The BNL toolbox is a set of Matlab functions for defining and estimating the
parameters of a Bayesian network for discrete variables in which the conditional
probability tables are specified by logistic regression models. Logistic regression can be
used to incorporate restrictions on the conditional ...
-The existence of numerous imaging modalities makes it possible to present different data present in different modalities together thus forming multimodal images. Component images forming multimodal images should be aligned, or registered so that all the data, coming from the different modalities, a ...
P3.18. An analog signal xa(t) = sin (100πt) is sampled using the following sampling intervals. In
each case plot the spectrum of the resulting discrete-time signal.
Ts= 0.1 ms, Ts= 1 ms, Ts = 0.01 Sec
Getting to Know the FFT
What is the FFT? FFT = Fast Fourier Transform. The FFT is a faster version of the Discrete
Fourier Transform (DFT). The FFT utilizes some clever algorithms to do the same thing as the
DTF, but in much less time.
Title : Implementation of quadrature modulation and demodulation
Design Object : By implementing quadrature modulation and demodulation of analog signals in digital signal processing, students will have better understanding of sampling and frequency analysis of discrete-time signals.
Design Content ...
DDSCAT 7.3 is a freely available open-source Fortran-90 software package applying the “discrete
dipole approximation” (DDA) to calculate scattering and absorption of electromagnetic waves by targets
with arbitrary geometries and complex refractive index. The targets may be isolated entities (e.g., ...