This code was used for making the practical measurements in section 2.3 of my thesis. This Matlab code allows an OFDM signal to be generated based on an input data file. The data can be random data, a grey scale image, a wave file, or any type of file. The generated OFDM signal is stored as a window ...
LinCAN is a Linux kernel module that implements a CAN driver capable of working with multiple cards, even with different chips and IO methods. Each communication object can be accessed from multiple applications concurrently.
It supports RT-Linux, 2.2, 2.4, and 2.6 with fully implemented select, po ...
penMesh is a generic and efficient data structure for representing and manipulating polygonal meshes. OpenMesh is developed at the Computer Graphics Group, RWTH Aachen , as part of the OpenSGPlus project, is funded by the German Ministry for Research and Education ( BMBF), and will serve as geometry ...
A self-designed control of PC parallel port communication is introduced in this paper.Taking advantage of the MFC ActiveX technology, it is developed in Visual C++ and offset the scarcity of the control of PC parellel paort communication. An example of frequency measurement shows the detail procedur ...
This the implementation of structural SVM for training complex alignment models for protein sequence alignment, especially for homology modeling. The structural SVM algorithm can incorporate many relevant features like secondary structure, relative exposed surface area, profiles and their various in ...
The development of a data acquisition card based on USB bus is introduced in this article.It first describes the configuration and principle of this card in the part of hardware design,and then the application program and device driver in the part of software design.Data acquisition program in firmw ...
In this article, we present an overview of methods for sequential simulation from posterior distributions.
These methods are of particular interest in Bayesian filtering for discrete time dynamic models
that are typically nonlinear and non-Gaussian. A general importance sampling framework is develop ...
The TMS320C64x™ DSPs (including the TMS320DM642 device) are the highest-performance fixed-point
DSP generation in the TMS320C6000™ DSP platform. The TMS320DM642 (DM642) device is based on
the second-generation high-performance, advanced VelociTI™ very-long-instruction-word (VLIW)
arch ...
TOOL (Tiny Object Oriented Language) is an easily-embedded, object-oriented, C++-like-language interpreter. The language, and indeed a significant part of the core of the TOOL engine, is based on the BOB project, a work that was originally developed by David Betz covered in previously published issu ...
The ARM architecture is not a static constant but is being developed and improved to suit the
applications required by today’s consumer devices.