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construction 65


  • Design and Construction of an RFID Infrastructure

    The next avatar of the Internet will revolutionize our world. In time, it will provide us a universal remote control, enabling us to monitor and control physical objects located anywhere on the planet, using a smart phone. It will make the universe around us programmable, allowing us to script the b ...


    标签: Infrastructure Construction Design RFID and an of

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • Advanced_Process_Engineering_Control

    The present work, Advanced Process Engineering Control, is intended to be the continuation of the authorsʼ Basic Process Engineering Control published by DeGruyter in 2014. It presents the main and conventional type control loops in process industries. Titles containing the concept of process engin ...


    标签: Advanced_Process_Engineering_Cont rol

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • 代码大全Steve McConnell著 919页高清文字版

    软件开发人员必备工具书,,目录如下Welcome to Software Construction [1]1.1 What Is Software Construction?1.2 Why Is Software Construction Important?1.3 How to Read This Book......7.1 Valid Reasons to Create a Routine7.2 Design at the Routine Level7.3 Good Routine Names7.4 How Long Can a Routine Be?7. ...


    标签: 代码大全 软件开发

    上传时间: 2021-12-08


  • 基于Proteus的单片机模数转换电路的设计与仿真

    以单片机控制A/D转换器TLC549为例,对A/D转换器的主要技术指标进行了分析研究,在Proteus平台下,完成了A/D转换电路的构建,采用器件工作时序方式进行程序编写,借助仿真图表、虚拟仪器等工具对A/D转换的数据进行测量并对失调误差、增益误差、微分非线性、积分非线性和转换时间等重要参数进行了详细分析。结果表明:使用Proteus软 ...


    标签: proteus 单片机 模数转换

    上传时间: 2022-04-04


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(40)



    标签: 液压系统 模拟机

    上传时间: 2013-06-12
