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chooses 2


  • simulates coin tossing. Let the program toss a coin each time the user chooses the “Toss Coin” menu

    simulates coin tossing. Let the program toss a coin each time the user chooses the “Toss Coin” menu option. Count the number of times each side of the coin appears. Display the results. The program should call a separate method flip that takes no arguments and returns false for tails and true for ...


    标签: the coin simulates chooses

    上传时间: 2014-08-30


  • 基于ATmega168的ADC按键设计

    利用Atmel公司的ATmega168微处理器,采用A/D转换方式来实现按摩椅控制器的键盘接口,通过在硬件电路中巧妙地选择电阻,在软件设计中采用数字滤波、二分法和区间鉴定等方法,灵敏可靠地实现了按摩椅中30个按键的处理。给出了硬件电路设计和软件设计思想以及部分汇编代码。 Abstract:  This paper chooses A/D conver ...


    标签: ATmega 168 ADC 按键

    上传时间: 2014-01-10
