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buffers 20


  • PCA9671 Remote 16-bit IO expan

    The PCA9671 provides general purpose remote I/O expansion for most microcontrollerfamilies via the two-line bidirectional bus (I2C-bus) and is a part of the Fast-mode Plus(Fm+) family.The PCA9671 is a drop in upgrade for the PCF8575 providing higher I2C-bus speeds(1 MHz versus 400 kHz) so that the o ...


    标签: Remote expan 9671 PCA

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • PCA9672 Remote 8-bit IO expand

    The PCA9672 provides general purpose remote I/O expansion for most microcontrollerfamilies via the two-line bidirectional bus (I2C-bus) and is a part of the Fast-mode Plusfamily.The PCA9672 is a drop-in upgrade for the PCF8574 providing higher Fast-mode Plus(Fm+) I2C-bus speeds (1 MHz versus 400 kHz ...


    标签: Remote expand 9672 PCA

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • PCA9673 Remote 16-bit IO expan

    The PCA9673 provides general purpose remote I/O expansion for most microcontrollerfamilies via the two-line bidirectional bus (I2C-bus) and is a part of the Fast-mode Plusfamily.The PCA9673 is a drop in upgrade for the PCF8575 providing higher Fast-mode Plus(Fm+) I2C-bus speeds (1 MHz versus 400 kHz ...


    标签: Remote expan 9673 PCA

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • PCA9674 PCA9674A Remote 8-bit

    The PCA9674/74A is a drop-in upgrade for the PCF8574/74A providing higher Fast-modePlus I2C-bus speeds (1 MHz versus 400 kHz) so that the output can support PWMdimming of LEDs, higher I2C-bus drive (30 mA versus 3 mA) so that many more devicescan be on the bus without the need for bus buffers, highe ...


    标签: 9674 PCA Remote 9674A

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • XAPP807-封装最小的三态以太网MAC处理引擎

    The Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC (TEMAC) UltraController-II module is a minimal footprint,embedded network processing engine based on the PowerPC™ 405 (PPC405) processor coreand the TEMAC core embedded within a Virtex™-4 FX Platform FPGA. The TEMACUltraController-II module connects to an exte ...


    标签: XAPP 807 MAC 封装

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • 清华版labview教程,下载(12.25)

    第一章   虚拟仪器及labview入门 1.1       虚拟仪器概述 1.2       labview是什么? 1.3       labview的运行机制 1.3.1 labview应用程序的构成 1.3.2 labview的操作模板 1.4 labview的初 ...


    标签: labview 12.25 清华 教程

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • 手机流文件的处理程序源代码!The interface to an audio stream player passing audio data from the audio hardware to

    手机流文件的处理程序源代码!The interface to an audio stream player passing audio data from the audio hardware to specified buffers.


    标签: audio interface hardware passing

    上传时间: 2015-03-31


  • For advanced geometry, most apps will prefer to load pre-authored meshes from a file. Fortunately,

    For advanced geometry, most apps will prefer to load pre-authored meshes from a file. Fortunately, when using meshes, D3DX does most of the work for this, parsing a geometry file and creating vertx buffers for us. This tutorial shows how to use a D3DXMESH object, including loading it from a file and ...


    标签: pre-authored Fortunately advanced geometry

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • net_tcp.h

    /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                             uC/TCP-IP V2 *       ...


    标签: tcp uCOS-II

    上传时间: 2015-11-22

    上传用户:the same kong

  • 基于MSP430单片机及FPGA的简易数字示波器

    数字示波器功能强大,使用方便,但是价格相对昂贵。本文以Ti的MSP430F5529为主控器,以Altera公司的EP2C5T144C8 FPGA器件为逻辑控制部件设计数字示波器。模拟信号经程控放大、整形电路后形成方波信号送至FPGA测频,根据频率值选择采用片上及片外高速AD分段采样。FPGA控制片外AD采样并将数据输入到FIFO模块中缓存,由单片机进行频 ...


    标签: msp430 单片机 fpga 数字示波器

    上传时间: 2022-03-27
