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because 164


  • dummyfile

    uploading because I need a file


    标签: dummyfile

    上传时间: 2019-12-15


  • 3G,+4G+and+Beyond–BRINGING NETWORKS

    In recent years, cellular voice networks have transformed into powerful packet-switched access networks for both voice communication and Internet access. Evolving Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) networks and first Long Term Evolution (LTE) installations now deliver bandwidths of sev ...


    标签: BRINGING NETWORKS Beyond and 3G 4G

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • 4G & Beyond Convergence of Networks

    From the transition of analog to digital communication along with seamless mobility and high computing power of small handheld devices, the wireless communications industry has seen tremendous changes leading to the integration of several telecommunication networks, devices and services over last 30 ...


    标签: Convergence Networks Beyond 4G of

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Digital_Transformation_Information_System

    When the authors of this book asked me to write the foreword of their work on the digital enterprise, I immediately thought that it was one more document on a fashionable topic in the technology and the business world of the 21st Century often addressed by consulting firms, some of which have aspire ...


    标签: Digital_Transformation_Informatio n_System

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Fundamentals+of+Digital+Communication

    The field of digital communication has evolved rapidly in the past few decades, with commercial applications proliferating in wireline communi- cation networks (e.g., digital subscriber loop, cable, fiber optics), wireless communication (e.g., cell phones and wireless local area networks), and stor- ...


    标签: Communication Fundamentals Digital of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • GSM+Networks

    Someone who wants to get to know the customs of a country frequently receives the advice to learn the language of that country. Why? Because the dif- ferences that distinguish the people of one country from those of another are reflected in the language. For example, the people of the islands of the ...


    标签: Networks GSM

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Implementing+802.11

    Communication, a word that many associate with modern technology, actually has nothing to do with technology. At its core, communication involves nothing more than the spoken or written word, and symbolic languages like art and music. Technology has become synonymous with communication because techn ...


    标签: Implementing 802.11

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • IMS+Multimedia+Telephony+over+Cellular+Systems

    This preface is somewhat different from prefaces found in similar books because it does not focus so much on the content of the book.We have instead chosen to write a few words about our own experiences from working with telephony services over Internet Protocol (IP). Here are our stories.


    标签: Multimedia Telephony Cellular Systems over IMS

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • LTE+Self-Organising+Networks

    Mobilenetworkoperatorswillmeetmanychallengesinthecomingyears.Itisexpectedthatthe numberofpeopleconnected,wirelineandwireless,willreachfivebillionby2015.Atthesame time, people use more wireless services and they expect similar user experience to what they can now get from fixed networks. Because of t ...


    标签: Self-Organising Networks LTE

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Mobile Multimedia Communications Concepts

    Mobile multimedia communication is increasingly in demand because of the basic need to communi- cate at any time, anywhere, using any technology. In addition, to voice communication, people have a desire to access a range of other services that comprise multimedia elements—text, image, animation, h ...


    标签: Communications Multimedia Concepts Mobile

    上传时间: 2020-05-30
