The purpose of this application note is to describe the main elements of
an RS-422 and RS-485 system. This application note attempts to cover
enough technical details so that the system designer will have considered all
the important aspects in his data system design. Since both RS-422 and RS-
485 a ...
There are many different (and often confusing) terms associated
with clock-based devices. This application note attempts
to clarify these terms, and hence serves as a comprehensive
reference on clock terminology. This application note can be
divided into two sections. The first section describes and ...
Huo Chess by Spiros (Spyridon) Kakos ( is a micro chess program in CLI C++ v8.0 that attempts to be smaller in size than the Commodore-era Microchess. The goal is to create the smallest chess program that exists. More versions are to come in the future.
Project file for MS Visual C++ 6.0.
Requires GLUT DLL (
Adjust program constants in Landscape.h and Utility.cpp.
Default map is read from HeghtXXX.raw where XXX is the MAP_SIZE
(as defined in Landscape.h). If this map is not found, the program
attempts to open "Map.ved", a Tre ...
function [U,V,num_it]=fcm(U0,X)
% MATLAB (Version 4.1) Source Code (Routine fcm was written by Richard J.
% Hathaway on June 21, 1994.) The fuzzification constant
% m = 2, and the stopping criterion for successive partitions is epsilon =??????.
%*******Modified 9/15/04 to have epsilon = ...
The use of FPGAs for cryptographic applications is highly attractive for a variety of reasons but at the same time there are many open issues related to the general security of FPGAs. This contribution attempts to provide a state-of-the-art description of this topic. First, the advantages of reconfi ...
Two important microwave remote sensors are the radar and the radiometer.
There have been a number of books written on various aspects of radar, but
there have been only a few written on microwave radiometers, especially on sub-
jects of how to design and build radiometer systems. This book, which is ...
Two important microwave remote sensors are the radar and the radiometer.
There have been a number of books written on various aspects of radar, but
there have been only a few written on microwave radiometers, especially on sub-
jects of how to design and build radiometer systems. This book, which is ...
This books attempts to provide an extensive overview on Long-Term Evolution
(LTE) networks. Understanding LTE and its Performance is purposely written to
appeal to a broad audience and to be of value to anyone who is interested in 3GPP
LTE or wireless broadband networks more generally. The aim of th ...
for three decades due to the availability of powerful computer resources. In spite of
this, the EM community has suffered without a suitable text on the computational
techniques commonly used in solving EM-related problems. Althou ...