I have build my own programmer. This device can program the AT89C51 and works with it. So it can easily be adapted to programming other devices by itself.
The Atmel Flash devices are ideal for developing, since they can be reprogrammed easy, often and fast. You need only 1 or 2 device ...
This work investigates the use of very deep pipelines for
implementing circuits in FPGAs, where each pipeline
stage is limited to a single FPGA logic element (LE). The
architecture and VHDL design of a parameterized integer
array multiplier is presented and also an IEEE 754
This paper presents several low-latency mixed-timing
FIFO (first-in–first-out) interfaces designs that interface systems
on a chip working at different speeds. The connected systems
can be either synchronous or asynchronous. The designs are then
adapted to work between systems with very long interc ...
These two classes show an extremely simple example of java.net socket programming. They implement the Unix daytime protocol, an extremely simple protocol that consists entirely of the server sending its current local time and date to the client as an ASCII string. The server, to keep it very simple, ...
This application report describes the use of Timer_A3 to decode RC5 and SIRC TV IR remote control signals. The decoder described in this report is interrupt-driven and operates a background function using specific features the Timer_A3. Only a small portion of the MSP430 CPU?s nonreal-time resources ...
Welcome to the Wrox Press C++ tutorial
"I hope you ll enjoy reading this tutorial with your portable, your work, or your home PC. It s a perfect companion to the Introduction to Visual C++ 6.0 Standard Edition manual and is a proven aid to understanding the C++ language. The material in this tutoria ...
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture is written in direct response to the stiff challenges that face enterprise application developers. The author, noted object-oriented designer Martin Fowler, noticed that despite changes in technology--from Smalltalk to CORBA to Java to .NET--the same b ...
This template file is used to completely describe a system in a generalized
% state space format useable by the ReBEL inference and estimation system.
% This file must be copied, renamed and adapted to your specific problem. The
% interface to each function should NOT BE CHANGED however.
The XC226x derivatives are high-performance members of the Infineon XC2000 Family
of full-feature single-chip CMOS microcontrollers. These devices extend the functionality
and performance of the C166 Family in terms of instructions (MAC unit), peripherals, and
speed. They combine high CPU performanc ...
Mapack is a .NET class library for basic linear algebra computations. It supports the following matrix operations and properties: Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, Determinant, Norm1, Norm2, Frobenius Norm, Infinity Norm, Rank, Condition, Trace, Cholesky, LU, QR, Single V ...