J2K-Codec ver 1.9
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Make your graphics look better with an easy-to-use
JPEG 2000 decoding component. J2K-Codec can help
game developers, screensaver creators and many
others to improve their products--to ...
IBM® Rational® Application Developer V6.0 is the full function Eclipse 3.0 based
development platform for developing Java™ 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE)
and Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications with a focus on
applications to be deployed to IBM WebSphere® Applica ...
The Radio Interface Layer is the name for an interface that was developed especially for the Pocket PC Phone Edition. It is meant to abstract the interface with a phone/modem device. To achieve this it is closely modelled after the GSM AT command interface. Unfortunately the API was not published of ...
SD card controller can just read data using 1 bit SD mode.
I have written this core for NIOS2 CPU, Cyclone, but I think it can works
with other FPGA or CPLD. Better case for this core is SD clock = 20 MHz and
CPU clock = 100 MHz (or in the ratio 1:5). If you have a wish you can achieve this core.
Go ...
The authors show to identify, design, implement, test, and refactor use-case modules, as well as extend them. They also demonstrate how to design use-case modules with the Unified Modeling Language (UML)emphasizing enhancements made in UML 2.0and how to achieve use-case modularity using aspect techn ...
To find and output 11-999 between the number of m, it is to meet m, m2 and m3 are several palindrome. The so-called palindrome refers to the number of its symmetrical figures that the whole number, for example, 121,676,94249 and so on. To meet the above requirements, such as the number of m = 11, m2 ...
It has been suggested1 that an appropriate figure of merit for a low probability of intercept and
detection (LPI/D) waveform is the quantity “Range x Bandwidth / Joule”. That is, the further the
range, the wider the bandwidth and the less amount of energy used to achieve these values, the
more cov ...