This paper deals with the problem of speech enhancement when
only a corrupted speech signal is available for processing. Kalman
filtering is known as an effective speech enhancement technique,
in which speech signal is usually modeled as autoregressive (AR)
model and represented in the state-space d ...
This paper addresses the issues relating to the
enforcement of robust stability when implementing the Adaptive
Inverse Control (AIC) scheme. In this scheme, an adaptive
FIR filter is added to a closed-loop system in order to
reduce the output error caused by external disturbances,
enhancing the perf ...
his design is the initial design when the board is powered-up. It increments a counter and displays the value on the
7-segment displays and LEDs. An image is also displayed on the VGA port.
onBlur event handler
A blur event occurs when a text or textArea field on a form loses focus. The onBlur event handler executes JavaScript code when a blur event occurs.
Applies to
When the P89LPC90x is in programming mode all pins that are not used for programming are tri-stated. During
programming mode the reset pin has a weak pull-up resistor.
When two dice to seven points and 11 wins When two dice and for two points. Or 3. Or 5 to lose. on the other to continue throwing, if referrals to lose seven, and the last time it won
Paco (pacKAGE oRGANIZER) is a simple, yet powerful tool to aid package management when installing programs from source code. It uses the LD_PRELOAD method to track package installations, and provides various options to keep the installed software organized. It s mainly a command line applicat ...