Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+)
Technical realization of facsimile group 3 transparent.
(GSM 03.45 version 8.0.1 Release 1999)
ETSI TS 100 931 V8.0.1 (2000-01)
radius协议源码÷The Radius Stack will connect to a Radius Server. This stack
implementation is built upon the UdpStack which is available
in the radius{version}/util directory. A minimal set of VSAs (Vendor
Specific Attributes are supported by this stack). The Radius
Stack should be used as a base c ...
蠕虫mydoom.a版本的完整源代码,mydoom为internet上传播很广的蠕虫,以传播能力强而闻名于世,蠕虫为c语言编写,很有借鉴意义。-worm version of the complete source code, mydoom internet for a wide spread of the worm to spread the renowned
this bulk loopback firmware based on the firmware frameworks.
Loops back EP2OUT to EP6IN and EP4OUT to EP8IN.
Building this example requires the full version of the Keil Tools.
ARMask.The ARM has six operating modes:
• User (unprivileged mode under which most tasks run)
• FIQ (entered when a high priority (fast) interrupt is raised)
• IRQ (entered when a low priority (normal) interrupt is raised)
• Supervisor (entered on reset and when a Software Interr ...
This section describes the eSOAP toolkit demo package. It consists of the eSOAP
runtime for MS Windows, the demo version of the esoapcg compiler and some
source code examples to help developers learning how to use the toolkit
( run-time ) and how to specify service interfaces using the esoap code ...