Dear Reader, this book project brings to you a unique study tool for ESD
protection solutions used in analog-integrated circuit (IC) design. Quick-start
learning is combined with in-depth understanding for the whole spectrum of cross-
disciplinary knowledge required to excel in the ESD field. The ch ...
District energy (DE) systems use central heating and/or cooling facilities to provide
heating and/or cooling services for communities. The advantages of district energy
over conventional heating and cooling include improved efficiency, reliability and
safety, reduced environmental impact, and for ma ...
Since the original publication of Manual 74 in 1991, and the preceding
“Guidelines for Transmission Line Structural Loading” in 1984, the
understanding of structural loadings on transmission line structures has
broadened signifi cantly. However, improvements in computational capa-
bility have enab ...
If one examines the current literature on GPS receiver design, most of it is quite a
bit above the level of the novice. It is taken for granted that the reader is already at a
fairly high level of understanding and proceeds from there. This text will be an
attempt to take the reader through the conc ...
My association with the theory of controls in continuous time started during my studies at
the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, in 1974 as an undergraduate student
in the Controls and Power program. The initial introduction by Professors Kesavamurthy,
Y. P. Singh, and Rajagopalan la ...
The chief objective of Electric Machinery continues to be to build a strong
foundation in the basic principles of electromechanics and electric machinery.
Through all of its editions, the emphasis of Electric Machinery has been
on both physical insight and analytical techniqu ...
Signals convey information. Systems transform signals. This book introduces the mathe-
matical models used to design and understand both. It is intended for students interested
in developing a deep understanding of how to digitally create and manipulate signals to
measure and control the physical wo ...
Design for manufacturability and statistical design encompass a number
of activities and areas of study spanning the integrated circuit design and
manufacturing worlds. In the early days of the planar integrated circuit, it was
typical for a handful of practitioners working on a particular design to ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undoubtedly been one of the most important buz-
zwords over the past years. The goal in AI is to design algorithms that transform com-
puters into “intelligent” agents. By intelligence here we do not necessarily mean an
extraordinary level of smartness shown by sup ...
Computer science as an academic discipline began in the 1960’s. Emphasis was on
programming languages, compilers, operating systems, and the mathematical theory that
supported these areas. Courses in theoretical computer science covered finite automata,
regular expressions, context-free languages, ...