MPEG-2 has 7 distinct parts as well. The first part is the Systems section which defines the container format and the Transport Streams that are designed to carry the digital video and audio over ATSC and DVB. The Program Stream defines the container format for lossy compression on optical disks, DV ...
jamod is an object oriented implementation of the Modbus protocol, realized 100 in Java. It allows to quickly realize master and slave applications in various transport flavors (IP and serial).
The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library. The ...
Many times I have been asked to explain “ briefl y ” how SDH, SONET, and the
OTN “ exactly ” work. The questions came mainly from new colleagues, stu-
dents, and users of these technologies, personally or via the usenet newsgroup
comp.dcom.sdh - sonet. I could have referred them to the standards ...
gies used to build telephone networks. Until 1980, the fast rollout of high capacity
transport networks and deployment of links in areas with challenging geographic
characteristics could not be understood without this technology ...
Microwave radio network design is a subset of activities that constitute
the overall transmission network design. Transmission networks are
sometimes called transport networks, access networks, or connectivity
networks. For many wireless carriers, microwave is becoming a popu-
lar preference over wi ...
In a world where consumers,businesses and organizations are demanding faster,amerter and more seamlessly converged information technology and communization services,concepts such as Driverless Cars,combining advanced automatic controls,artficial intelligences and automotive transport technologies ar ...
1.RTP概述1.1,RTP是什么TP全名是Real-time Transport Protocol(实时传输协议)。它是IETF提出的一个标准,对应的 RFC文档为RFC3550(RFC1889为其过期版本).RFC3550不仅定义了 RTP,而且定义了配套的相关协议 RTCP(Real-time Transport Control Protocol,即实时传输控制协议)。RTP用来为IP网上的语音、图像、传真等多 ...