Addfilter is a command-line application which adds and removes filter drivers for a given drive or volume. It is intended to demonstrate how to insert a filter driver into the driver stack of a device. The sample illustrates how to do this by using the SetupDi APIs. The sample works on the x86 platf ...
Peers is a very minimalistic SIP User-Agent. It s a softphone, written in java, and it has been tested on linux and windows. It allows a user to call from one PC to another on a local area network, using SIP/SDP/RTP with Ulaw encoding for voice.
This a version of Anders Melander s TGIFImage ported to Delphi 7.
It supports animated GIF files in Delphi 7.
Note: This Delphi 7 version should also work older Delphi versions (not tested much).
WARNING: Use it at your own risk.
I m posting it with permission from the author Anders Melander. ...
This a GUI based system. The GUI is invoked from the command line by typing "ui_start". The GUI is self explanatory.
Tool tips are given in blue color. The cursor needs to be positioned on these for detailed explanation. The main file is
"runsim.m". In these simulations the SISO option is not expli ...
The main file in this list of programs is "vblast.m". Type "help vblast" on the command line for details.Study the coding
by stepping through the program. These programs require around 5000 packets for reasonable plotting accuracy.This has been
implemented for a 2x2 system. The reader can program o ...
Electromagnetic Finite-Difference Time-Domain (EmFDTD)
is a basic two-dimensional FDTD code developed at the
School of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of
This code has been written based on the standard
Yee s FDTD algorithm. Applicati ...
SMS-Dispatch is Linux console C++ program for SMS messages dispatch from preliminary prepared text file via circuit GSM phone in batch mode. Tested on Motorola C3xx phones. So you can create the report about users status for ex. and send it them ...
SMS-Dispatch is Linux console C++ program for SMS messages dispatch from preliminary prepared text file via circuit GSM phone in batch mode. Tested on Motorola C3xx phones. So you can create the report about users status for ex. and send it them a ...
The code on this diskette has been organized by chapter. Each subdirectory
containing listing has a readme.txt describing program usage and any relevent
file formats. The readme will also describe how to compile the target
programs under IBM OS/2 (TM) using the using C Set++ compiler (TM). All progr ...
The files in this directory comprise ANSI-C language reference implementations
of the CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee)
G.711, G.721 and G.723 voice compressions. They have been tested on Sun
SPARCstations and passed 82 out of 84 test vectors published by CCITT
(De ...