A series of features makes the mobile telecommunications industry an
interesting field of investigation for economists: the industry is experi-
encing veryfastmarketgrowthcombinedwithrapidtechnological change;
regulatory design in setting market structure is playing a very important
role; and oligop ...
This book is an entry-level text on the technology of telecommunications. It has been
crafted with the newcomer in mind. The eighteen chapters of text have been prepared
for high-school graduates who understand algebra, logarithms, and basic electrical prin-
ciples such as Ohm’s law. However, many ...
This book is an entry-level text on the technology of telecommunications. It has been
crafted with the newcomer in mind. The twenty-one chapters of text have been prepared
for high-school graduates who understand algebra, logarithms, and the basic principles of
electricity such as Ohm’s law. Howeve ...
Mobile telecommunications emerged as a technological marvel allowing for access to
personal and other services, devices, computation and communication, in any place and
at any time through effortless plug and play. This brilliant idea became possible as the
result of new technologies developed in th ...
The insinuation of telecommunications into the daily fabric of our lives has been
arguably the most important and surprising development of the last 25 years. Before
this revolution, telephone service and its place in our lives had been largely stable
for more than a generation. The growth was, so t ...
Never have telecommunications operations and network management been so
important. Never has it been more important to move away from practices that date
back to the very beginning of the telecommunications industry. Building and con-
necting systems internally at low cost, on an as - needed basis, ...
This book on Project Management is intended as a quick reference
covering important aspects of project management that should be understood
by managers in the telecommunications environment.
This book is organized with an introduction, which introduces the value
chain in telecommunications and illus ...
In this updated and expanded edition of her excellent telecommunications primer,
Lili explains in just the right detail everything you need to know to become
fluent in this most important and fascinating industry. Besides including a
satisfying amount of expert technical detail, the book also dis ...
I love telecommunications. It is powerful and it empowers, with
far-reaching consequences. It has demonstrated the potential to transform
society and business, and the revolution has only just begun. With the invention
of the telephone, human communications and commerce were forever changed: Time ...
Regulation is a pervasive feature of the telecommunications services industry
today. Government-appointed regulators and judicial or quasi-judicial bodies
oversee it in countries at all stages of economic development. Its primary
purpose is to encourage, nourish and maintain competition in nation ...