USB海量存储设备类规范包括四个独立的子类规范:(ATA command的那个没有)
①USB Mass Storgage Class Control/Bulk/Interrupt(CBI)Transport
②USB Mass Storage Class Bulk-Only Transport
③USB Mass Storage Class ATA Command Block
④USB Mass Stroage Class UFI Command Specification。
前两个子规范定义了数据/ ...
function transfer(tran:widestring):widestring stdcall external md5.dll name transfer
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject)
e ...
This is the source for a C compiler that generates 386 or
m68K code. Code generation is fairly good although the optimizer is
a little naive... the code itself should be highly portable although
there are some issues involved with porting from MSDOS that have to
be resolved for example the size of L ...