New users and old of optimization in MATLAB will find useful tips and tricks in this document, as well as examples one can use as templates for their own problems.
Use this tool by editing the file optimtips.m, then execute blocks of code in cell mode from the editor, or best, publish the file to H ...
We address the problem of blind carrier frequency-offset (CFO) estimation in quadrature amplitude modulation,
phase-shift keying, and pulse amplitude modulation
communications systems.We study the performance of a standard
CFO estimate, which consists of first raising the received signal to
the Mth ...
This paper examines the asymptotic (large sample) performance
of a family of non-data aided feedforward (NDA FF) nonlinear
least-squares (NLS) type carrier frequency estimators for burst-mode
phase shift keying (PSK) modulations transmitted through AWGN and
flat Ricean-fading channels. The asymptoti ...
Ink Blotting
One method for escaping from a maze is via ‘ink-blotting’. In this method your starting square
is marked with the number ‘1’. All free, valid squares north, south, east and west around the
number ‘1‘ are marked with a number ‘2’. In the next step, all free, valid squares around ...
PCA and PLS aims:to get some
insight into the bilinear factor models Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, focusing on the
mathematics and numerical aspects rather than how s and why s of
data analysis practice. For the latter part it is assumed (but not
abso ...
KMEANS Trains a k means cluster model.CENTRES = KMEANS(CENTRES, DATA, OPTIONS) uses the batch K-means
algorithm to set the centres of a cluster model. The matrix DATA
represents the data which is being clustered, with each row
corresponding to a vector. The sum of squares error function is used.
The ...
Numerical Computing with MATLAB (by Cleve Moler) is a textbook for an introductory course
in numerical methods, Matlab, and technical computing. The emphasis is on in-
formed use of mathematical software. We want you learn enough about the mathe-
matical functions in Matlab that you will be able to ...
Toolbox for Numerical Computing with MATLAB (by Cleve Moler).
Numerical Computing with MATLAB (by Cleve Moler) is a textbook for an introductory course
in numerical methods, Matlab, and technical computing. The emphasis is on in-
formed use of mathematical software. We want you learn enough abou ...
this directory
contains the following:
* The acdc algorithm for finding the
approximate general (non-orthogonal)
joint diagonalizer (in the direct Least Squares sense) of a set of Hermitian matrices.
* The acdc algorithm for finding the
same for a set of Symmetric matrices.
[acdc_s ...
The toolbox solves a variety of approximate modeling problems for linear static models. The model can be parameterized in kernel, image, or input/output form and the approximation criterion, called misfit, is a weighted norm between the given data and data that is consistent with the model. There ar ...