This demo nstrates the use of the reversible jump MCMC simulated annealing for neural networks. This algorithm enables us to maximise the joint posterior distribution of the network parameters and the number of basis function. It performs a global search in the joint space of the parameters and numb ...
Prony算法工具箱。Prony方法是用一组指数项的线性组合来拟和等间距采样数据的方法,可以从中分析出信号的幅值、相位、阻尼因子、频率等信息。considerations including data preprocessing, model order selection, model order selection criteria, signal subspace selection, signal and noise separation, root inspecti ...
In this paper, we describe the development of a mobile butterfly-watching learning (BWL)
system to realize outdoor independent learning for mobile learners. The mobile butterfly-watching
learning system was designed in a wireless mobile ad-hoc learning environment. This is first result
to provide a ...
This source code is about the basic sorting algorithm implemented in C#. The algorithms included are Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort. User can trace how s the sorting algorithm works.
基于libsvm,开发的支持向量机图形界面(初级水平)应用程序,并提供了关于C和sigma的新的参数选择方法,使得SVM的使用更加简单直观.参考文章 Fast and Efficient Strategies for Model Selection of Gaussian Support Vector Machine 可google之。
JPowerGraph is a Java library for creating directed graphs for Swing. It supports graph movement, selection, context menus, tooltips and dynamic edge creation.