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  • Utility Maximization in Nonconvex Wireless Systems

    Once upon a time, cellular wireless networks provided two basic services: voice telephony and low-rate text messaging. Users in the network were separated by orthogonal multiple access schemes, and cells by generous frequency reuse patterns [1]. Since then, the proliferation of wireless services, fi ...


    标签: Maximization Nonconvex Wireless Utility Systems in

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Visible Light Communication

    Visible light communications (VLC) is the name given to an optical wireless communication system that carries information by modulating light in the visible spectrum (400–700 nm) that is principally used for illumination [1–3]. The communications signal is encoded on top of the illumination light. ...


    标签: Communication Visible Light

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • ESD Design for Analog Circuits

    Dear Reader, this book project brings to you a unique study tool for ESD protection solutions used in analog-integrated circuit (IC) design. Quick-start learning is combined with in-depth understanding for the whole spectrum of cross- disciplinary knowledge required to excel in the ESD field. The ch ...


    标签: Circuits Design Analog ESD for

    上传时间: 2020-06-05


  • Cognitive+Radio+Networks

    Resource allocation is an important issue in wireless communication networks. In recent decades, cognitive radio technology and cognitive radio-based networks have obtained more and more attention and have been well studied to improve spectrum utilization and to overcomethe problem of spectrum scarc ...


    标签: Cognitive Networks Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • EN 300220-1V2.4.1

    EN 300220-1V2.4.1  Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);Short Range Devices (SRD);Radio equipment to be used in the 25 MHz to 1 000 MHz frequency range with power levels ranging up to 500 mW; Part 1: Technical characteristics and test methods


    标签: EMC

    上传时间: 2021-07-25


  • 5G通信技术白皮书技术资料合集

    5G通信技术白皮书技术资料合集摘 要 5G 致力于应对 2020 后多样化差异化业务的巨大挑战,满足超高速率、超低时延、高速移动、高能效 和超高流量与连接数密度等多维能力指标。FuTURE 论坛 5G 特别兴趣组(SIG)围绕着“柔性、绿色、极 速”的 5G 愿景,以“5+2”技术理念,重新思考 5G 网络的设计原则: 1) 香农理论再思考( ...


    标签: 5G通信

    上传时间: 2022-03-06


  • 基于MSP430单片机及FPGA的简易数字示波器

    数字示波器功能强大,使用方便,但是价格相对昂贵。本文以Ti的MSP430F5529为主控器,以Altera公司的EP2C5T144C8 FPGA器件为逻辑控制部件设计数字示波器。模拟信号经程控放大、整形电路后形成方波信号送至FPGA测频,根据频率值选择采用片上及片外高速AD分段采样。FPGA控制片外AD采样并将数据输入到FIFO模块中缓存,由单片机进行频 ...


    标签: msp430 单片机 fpga 数字示波器

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • 4G移动通信技术权威指南:LTE与LTE-Advanced.4G LTE.LTE

    PrefaceDuring the past years, there has been a quickly rising interest in radio access technologies for providingmobile as well as nomadic and fixed services for voice, video, and data. The difference indesign, implementation, and use between telecom and datacom technologies is also becoming moreblu ...


    标签: 4g 移动通信

    上传时间: 2022-07-08
