Student result management system
Use the C language realization system
2, the data structure making use of the structure body several realization student s result design
3, the system have increment, search, insert, row preface etc. basic function
4, the each function mold piece request of syste ...
post 提交用户输入的方式是隐含提交,在ASP端用request.getform()来获取输入域的值;
get 提交用户输入的方式是显式提交,提交时在浏览器的地址栏里可以看见
在ASP端用request.getquery()来获取输入域的值; ...
RAR Registration and Support sites
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~
The latest version of RAR and support conferences are available at
the sites and BBS s listed below. Most of them are FIDONET-nodes, so
you can request the latest version of RAR, via file request, using
the magic name of RAR .
NOTE: Thi ...