模式识别学习综述.该论文的英文参考文献为303篇.很有可读价值.Abstract— Classical and recent results in statistical pattern
recognition and learning theory are reviewed in a two-class
pattern classification setting. This basic model best illustrates
intuition and analysis techniques while still contain ...
This a free web game, animportantnote of this, "xia domain" for free software, follow the "general public to permit" all the provisions of any recognition can be modified to increase capacity, publish, but to revise and increase the No need to publish, not of any reason not to open
In this paper, we describe the development of a rapidly reconfigurable system in which the users’ tacit knowledge and requirements are
elicited via a process of Interactive Evolution, finding the image processing parameters to achieve the required goals without any need for
specialised knowledge of ...
This library implements the KLT Tracking algorithm [2004] for Feature Tracking in Video useful in computer vision tasks like object recognition, image indexing, tracking and structure from motion. This implementation uses programmable Graphics Hardware to achieve considerable speedup in the running ...