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Rapid 67


  • MEMS and Nanotechnology-Based Sensors

    Recent advancements in nanotechnology (NT) materials and growth of micro/ nanotechnology have opened the door for potential applications of microelectro- mechanical systems (MEMS)- and NT-based sensors and devices. Such sensors and devices are best suited for communications, medical diagnosis, comme ...


    标签: MEMS

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Electric+Vehicles+on+Power+System

    With the rapid development of electric vehicles (EVs) as well as the promotion and application of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies, EVs charging loads, as flexible loads, have the potential to participate in the grid services, including peak shaving and valley filling, frequency regulation (FR), e ...


    标签: Electric Vehicles System Power on

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Security+and+Resiliency+Analytics

    Driven by the rapid advancement of technology and the growing need of business requirements, cyber communications are embedded in many physical systems. The integration of cyber and physical capabilities leads to the creation of many applica- tions with enormous societal impact and economic benefit. ...


    标签: Resiliency Analytics Security and

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Networked+RFID+Systems

    The rapid growth of RFID use in various supply chain operations, which has arisen from the development of Electronic Product Code (EPC) technology, has created a need for the consideration of security issues in the adoption of that technology.


    标签: Cryptography Lightweight Networked Systems RFID and

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • Stable_adaptive_neural_network_control

    Recent years have seen a rapid development of neural network control tech- niques and their successful applications. Numerous simulation studies and actual industrial implementations show that artificial neural network is a good candidate for function approximation and control system design in solvi ...


    标签: Stable_adaptive_neural_network_co ntrol

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • 智能温室大棚控制系统设计

    近年来反季节种植已成火热趋势,温室大棚的普及十分迅速,而温室大棚对自动化、智能化的要求也越来越迫切,本系统将温室大棚的温湿度、二氧化碳浓度各个方面的检测,通风、浇灌、温度、喷洒农药等各个方面的控制进行综合系统研究,实现温室大棚对自动化、智能化的要求。这一系统是基于单片机控制的智能检测,控制系统包含单片机主 ...


    标签: 智能温室大棚 控制系统

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • B型剩余电流保护器设计

    随着光伏发电系统快速发展,以及电动汽车充电桩的普及,传统的剩余电流保护器无法满足实际需求。介绍了一款B型剩余电流保护器,采用磁调制剩余电流互感器和零序电流互感器采集剩余电流。根据GB/T 22794—2017标准要求,可识别1 kHz及以下的正弦交流、带和不带直流分量的脉动直流、平滑直流等剩余电流信号。经信号调理电路将电压 ...


    标签: 电流保护器

    上传时间: 2022-03-27
