Httpd pada Slackware 12 memberikan banyak contoh file konfigurasi apache. Mulai dari virtual
host, ssl, dan lain sebagainya. Peletakan dokument root pada Slackware 12 adalah pada direktory
/srv tetapi tetap ter-link dengan direktory /www seperti pada slackware 11.
A certification path is an ordered list of certificates starting with a certificate issued by the relying
party s trust root, and ending with the target certificate that needs to be validated. Certification
path validation procedures are based on the algorithm supplied in ITU-T Recommendation X.509
The object detector described below has been initially proposed by
P.F. Felzenszwalb in [Felzenszwalb2010]. It is based on a
Dalal-Triggs detector that uses a single filter on histogram of
oriented gradients (HOG) features to represent an object category.
This detector uses a sliding window approac ...